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New household residual waste contract awarded

As Warwickshire County Council announce the award of a new waste management contract, residents are reminded they have a role to play in reducing residual waste.

Warwickshire County Council are pleased to announce that it has awarded the contract for the County’s residual waste – potentially worth over £6 Million – to disposal specialists Veolia.

The Council seeks to minimise waste and then to reuse, recycle and compost as much of the remaining waste as possible thereby reducing residual waste in Warwickshire that must be disposed of. Reuse, recycling and composting is not only better for the environment but is far less costy than disposal and therefore every tonne recycled saves the Council and ultimately Warwickshire residents money through reduced disposal bills.

The Council recycles about half of Warwickshire’s household waste but still manages in the region of 130,000 tonnes of residual waste a year. Approximately 100,000 tonnes of this waste is sent to energy from waste facilities, where energy is extracted from the waste in the form of electricity and/or heat. The remaining 30,000 tonnes is disposed of via landfill. Around half of this amount could now be treated and disposed of by Veolia. 

Warwickshire County Council is taking this opportunity to remind Warwickshire residents that there are things that everyone can do that will help minimise the County’s residual waste and the amount that has to go into landfill facilities.

Mark Ryder, Strategic Director for Communities Group, said: “Although our target is to only send less than 10% of Warwickshire’s household waste to landfill, this method of disposal is hugely costly to tax-payers and equally costly to our environment.

“The good news is that there are a range of things that all our residents can do to reduce the amount of residual waste that is produced and the amount of this that is disposed of in landfill. We have made tremendous progress in Warwickshire reusing, recycling and composting our waste and we hope to see these positive behaviours continue and spread as we strive for a Warwickshire that is sustainable now and for future generations.”

Find out more about household waste recycling in Warwickshire, here:

Residents can Follow Warwickshire Recycles on social media for daily tips:

For more information about how Warwickshire County Council is facing the challenges of the climate change emergency, visit:

Published: 31st March 2023