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New Sustainable Warwickshire Podcast episode explores the use of energy

Warwickshire residents who want to understand more about where their energy comes from and how to use it more efficiently are invited to listen to the latest episode of the Sustainable Warwickshire podcast. 

In the face of concerns about the current global extreme heatwaves and flooding caused by climate change as well as the escalating cost of living, the latest episode of the Sustainable Warwickshire podcast from Warwickshire County Council is an easy way for residents to understand the current challenges of moving to renewable energy sources and using energy efficiently.  

The podcast features a conversation between Dave Barber, Programme Director for Climate Change from Warwick District Council and Rachel Jones, CEO of Act on Energy. Some of the topics they talk about include ensuring that new houses are built to the highest energy efficiency standards, how we respond to an energy crisis, and the growing demand for skilled contractors to work in the renewable energy industry. They also discuss the need to invest in renewable energy and what this might mean for Warwickshire, with more solar farms and a reduced dependency on fossil fuels such as coal and gas.  

Importantly, residents are given guidance and support on how they can reduce their energy use and the carbon emissions that they are responsible for, no matter whether they own or rent their home. The episode provides invaluable insights, practical strategies and an inspiring vision for how greater energy efficiency and a greener economy can contribute to a Warwickshire that is sustainable now and for future generations.  

Cllr Heather Timms, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate & Culture said: “We know lots of people are worried about how to keep their energy bills as low as possible, as well as being aware that energy use in buildings is at the heart of a lot of what is going on with climate change. Whether you just want to learn a bit more about what you can do, or if you are interested to hear the vision for energy in Warwickshire in the future, the podcast is a highly recommended listen.” 

Warwickshire residents who would like expert advice on energy efficiency are invited to call Act on Energy on the freephone 0800 988 2881. They can also visit for a range of information about food support, housing, managing money and wellbeing, as well as energy use. 

The podcast series, called Sustainable Warwickshire, is for those people living and working in Warwickshire who care about climate change. It features conversations with people from across the County who are taking action to reduce carbon emissions and support biodiversity. It covers subjects such as energy, waste and recycling, transport, infrastructure and the green economy, whilst also giving Warwickshire residents ideas on how to get involved and play their part.  

You can find the Sustainable Warwickshire podcast on Spotify or Apple by searching for “Sustainable Warwickshire”. All episodes are also be available at:  

For more information on climate change, visit   


Published: 18th July 2023