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An update on the rollout of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Warwickshire

A new report has detailed progress with the rollout of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in Warwickshire.

A new report has detailed progress with the rollout of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in Warwickshire.

The report, which went to Warwickshire County Council’s Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Wednesday 10 April, highlighted significant progress in the Council’s efforts to expand the availability of EV charging infrastructure across the county.

This investment and progress are crucial to support the growing number of electric vehicles on Warwickshire’s roads and in encouraging residents to make the switch to a more sustainable mode of transport.

The national picture, which is echoed across Warwickshire, reflects a surge in EV ownership.  Between 2022 and 2023 alone, the number of EVs on UK roads increased by 47%, with battery electric cars accounting for more than 16.5% of all new vehicle sales in 2023. This trend highlights the growing need for accessible public EV charging facilities across the County.

The Council is implementing a multifaceted strategy to address the growing demand for EV charging. This includes:

Prioritising areas with limited off-street parking: Not everyone has access to off-street parking for charging at home, the Council recognises this and is prioritising the installation of chargepoints in areas with limited off-street parking options.

Supporting home charging solutions: The successful trial allowing residents to charge their EVs using cable protectors on the footway has been made permanent. The Council is now exploring innovative solutions like lamp column charging and below-surface gully options for future deployment.

Resident engagement: A dedicated webpage  which offers guidance on all matters relating to EVs allows residents to suggest potential locations for chargepoints.  Nearly 200 responses have already been received.

The Council has also adopted an EV Parking Policy which allows for the designation of on-street EV chargepoint parking spaces as ‘EV only’, ensuring fair use and preventing non-EVs from blocking charging points.

Collaboration with partners: The Council has joined a consortium of 14 local Midlands’ authorities led by Midlands Connect to maximize the impact of the Government’s Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) fund. This collaborative approach allows for knowledge sharing, exploring common needs, and potentially attracting significant private sector investment, which will ultimately leading to more chargepoints being installed.

Councillor Jan Matecki, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning said: “We are very proud of the progress we are making with the rollout of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Warwickshire. We are aware that a boom in the ownership of these vehicles is on the horizon and are dedicating considerable resource to ensuring that we are ready for it.

“The significant rise in electric vehicle ownership is a positive step towards a cleaner and greener future. This Council is fully committed to supporting this transition by ensuring a robust and accessible network of EV charging points throughout the county. This will not only benefit residents who are considering switching to EVs, but ensure that, together we can build a Warwickshire that is sustainable now and for future generations.”

Warwickshire County Council is still encouraging residents to suggest locations for EV charging points and anyone can make a location suggestion by visiting  Request a new electric charging point – Warwickshire County Council or calling 01926 410 410.

The EV pages of the Warwickshire County Council website can be found here with lots of useful information:

The location of all available charge points in Warwickshire and beyond is available on: Zap Map

Published: 10th April 2024